This low-entry microscope is great for simple magnification tasks, requiring between 1.7x and 53x magnification.
Don't be fooled by its simple design. The ZIP is made from high quality materials, creating a long-lasting solution used by professionals in multiple industries.
In 2024, TAGARNO ZIP also received a significant upgrade in the form of a new camera, resulting in unprecedented image quality and improved operational performance.
Image quality
Magnification range
1.7x - 53x
Working depth
280 mm
or 11.02''
Key feature
Get more out of your microscope with our accessories
Customize your ZIP with the right accessories to make the most out of your microscope.
Customize it to your needs
Choose among a wide range of accessories that makes the ZIP useful for any task and gives you the best image possible.
With production facilities in both Denmark and China, full-service EMS provider Kitron, formerly BB Electronics, needed a digital microscope for smarter inspections and image capture.
After testing a wide range of digital microscopes, they chose a TAGARNO for being an overall high quality solution with a userfriendly design, enabling various operators to easily use the microscopes.
Steen Jensen
Process Engineer, Kitron
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