The importance of choosing the right lighting
It may seem insignificant or downright boring to be talking about lighting, but ensuring sufficient and adequate lighting will actually have a huge impact to the analysis results during quality control and satisfaction of the customers in the end. If the lighting is inadequate or insufficient, the results will be doubtful at best and not usable at worst. This means double the work, affects productivity and even how satisfied the staff is with their work. Nobody wants that.
How to get the lighting just right
Now that we’ve established why it is so crucial that the sample is all lit up, let’s talk about how to get this right. First of all, the surroundings in the inspection area are important.
Small rooms with fluorescent lamps are a no go whereas larger facilities with a great amount of natural light from outside are to be preferred. This will provide the most life-like scenario, which is the first step towards reproducing the sample as true to reality as possible on the screen.