Man using a microscope with a camera to inspect PCBs


5 advantages of choosing a microscope with a camera

What is a microscope with a camera and why is it gaining popularity across industries right now?

Here's the top 5 reasons why you need a microscope with a camera.

More and more companies are upgrading their traditional magnification systems to a modern version:

A microscope with a camera inside – also known as a digital camera microscope or simply a digital microscope.

In this blog post, we’ll explain:

  • Why this type of microscope is gaining popularity right now
  • How you can benefit from changing to a microscope with a camera


But first..

What is a microscope with a camera?

As the name suggests, a microscope with a camera uses a sensor inside the camera to view and magnify a sample to a degree that you can’t detect with the naked eye.

By comparison, stereo microscopes use an eyepiece while desk magnifiers use a simple magnifying glass.

This makes the microscope with a camera an optically simpler solution.

It also has broader magnification capabilities and a completely different range of benefits.

Let’s have a closer look at some of these.

Man using a microscope with a camera from TAGARNO

PCB manufacturer using a microscope with a camera to do First article inspection and document his findings.

The advantages of using a microscope with a camera

We now know that microscopes with a camera inside by design are very different from other types of magnification systems.

But what are the advantages of choosing this new and modern type of microscope?

It’s time to look at why more and more companies are choosing this digital alternative – and why you should consider it as well.


Saving photos of your findings is a lot easier when using a microscope with a camera

A lot of businesses have started documenting their findings during visual inspections. This is regardless of whether those findings are good or bad.

They do this for one specific reason: To have photo evidence of the completed inspection if an issue occurs further down the value chain.

And with a microscope with a camera inside, all you need to do to save a photo is press a button on the control box.

The photos are then either saved on computers on the same network as the microscope or on the microscope itself. To transfer the photo to a computer, you simply use an encrypted USB stick.

It’s that easy.

"Switching to digital microscopes has
made a huge difference"

This quote is from Loïc Boutillier, Technician Methods at ALL CIRCUITS in France.

ALL CIRCUITS is one of many happy customers worldwide that uses microscopes with a camera from TAGARNO for their inspection needs.

See what other customers say about their microscopes from TAGARNO
Man using a TAGARNO digital camera microscope to inspect PCB
See what other customers say about their microscopes from TAGARNO


Using a microscope with a camera makes collaboration easier

Imagine this:

You’ve identified an issue in your lab or production while using the microscope and you need to discuss it with your colleagues. But they’re not on the same location as you. What do you do?

Perhaps you’ll schedule a physical meeting where you can discuss the issue in-person.

But it might take a while for everyone’s calendars to line up. And some participants must spend time and money on transportation.

While you wait for calendars to line up, you might even face expensive downtime or build up large quantities of products that need to be discarded or corrected afterwards.

When using a microscope with a camera though, there’s a more efficient way to collaborate.

In fact, there’s two things you can do instead:


  • Option 1:

If you’ve already saved a photo of the issue, send it via e-mail, or your preferred communication platform, to all parties involved.

Once everyone’s had time to look at the photos, you can discuss them via a phone call or an online meeting. Immediately after, you can implement the solution you agreed on during your meeting.


  • Option 2:

Sending photos of the issue via e-mail isn’t always ideal though. Someone might have follow-up questions and wants to see it at higher magnification or from a different angle.

Instead of taking new photos and sending these too, simply share the microscope feed directly in an online meeting.

During the meeting, you can manipulate the sample from all angles during the meeting. This allows everyone to see exactly what they need to see to make well-informed decisions on how to solve the issue at hand.

Using this method, you can minimize expensive downtime and reduce the number of errors caused by the issue.

All-in-all a much more efficient way to collaborate across locations and time zones.

Man sharing digital camera microscope feed in online meeting to collaborate with remote colleagues

Microscope operator sharing the camera feed in online meeting to collaborate with remote colleagues.


It’s more comfortable (and efficient) to use a microscope with a camera

Studies show that it’s not uncommon for microscope operators to experience pain as part of their job (source). This is because of the sustained postures of the head, neck and body required to operate a traditional microscope.

By using a microscope with a camera, however, there’s no eyepiece.

Instead, you’ll be looking at a monitor.

A monitor that you can place anywhere you want.

This provides more freedom of movement and reduces eye strain, neck and back pain.

Using a microscope with a camera is in other words a great way to introduce an ergonomic microscope workstation which in turn will increase productivity and reduce escape rates.

Two operators using a microscope with a camera to inspect PCBs

Instead of looking through an eyepiece to inspect a sample, the microscope displays it on a monitor. This also allows multiple operators to inspect the sample at the same time.


Use software to work more efficiently

When using a microscope with a camera, you’ll also have access to features and software options that simply aren’t available on traditional microscopes.

This includes:


  • Presets

Save your most used settings like magnification level and light settings as a preset on the microscope.

When recalling the presets, the microscope will automatically adjust itself to the settings saved in the preset. This is much quicker than having to adjust the microscope manually and creates consistency across all inspections.


  • Measurement software

You can also perform measurements of the magnified sample directly on the microscope.

Options include displaying a ruler as a heads-up display to quickly verify your samples or using the bestselling Measurement app that offers multiple measurement tools with a 3µm accuracy.



Which features and software options you’ll have access to will depend on your choice of microscope. Some microscope manufacturers also offer firmware updates to their microscopes. This ensures that your microscope is always updated with the newest technology and features. This is also the case with selected TAGARNO microscopes.

We encourage you to ask the microscope manufacturer about which features and software options they offer before you make the purchase.

Screenshot of using measurement software on a microscope with a camera

You can use Measurement software to inspect samples more efficiently.


You get more bank for your buck when using microscope with a camera

As previously mentioned, a microscope with a camera is an optically simpler solution with dramatically broader magnification capabilities.

This allows you to do low as well as high power magnification on the same microscope. No need to change between multiple microscopes.

This not only means that you don’t have to buy as many microscopes to have the required equipment to perform your inspection tasks.

It also means that a microscope with a camera often comes at a significantly lower price point than stereo microscopes.

In other words: You can get started for less and introduce more microscopes as your business grows or inspection needs evolve.

Man using a TAGARNO TREND as a microscope with camera to inspect PCB

Due to its simple design, you can do low and high power magnification on the same system when choosing a microscope with a camera. 

Finding the right microscope with a camera

There’s a wide range of microscopes with cameras available on the market.

These all come with different features and at different price points.

Which is right for you will to a large extend depend on whether you’re in the Electronics industryAgriculture industry or a completely different industry.

But if you want to take advantage of the advantages mentioned in this blogpost, the TAGARNO TREND is a great option.

Let’s look at why.

TAGARNO TREND is a great digital camera microscope for collaboration


What makes the TAGARNO TREND unique is not the fact that it you’ll be using a monitor to view your samples or that you can share the microscope feed in online meetings without using specialized drivers.

Or that it displays 60 frames per second and offers both auto focus and manual focus:

  • 60 frames per seconds ensures that there’s no lag between what’s happening underneath the microscope and on the monitor


  • Auto focus ensures that your sample always stays in focus, even if you’re moving it around, while manual focus provides extra flexibility if you need to focus on a specific area of your sample


Because all TAGARNO microscopes offer this.

What actually makes the TREND stand out is how easy it is to take photos of your findings with this microscope. All you need to do is press the camera button on the control box. No computer needed.

You can access these photos on any computer that’s connected to the same network as the microscope. Or you can transfer them from the microscope to your computer of choice using an encrypted USB stick.

With TREND, you also have access to a variety of built-in features such as presets and the Ruler app.

But you also have the option of activating additional software such as the Measurement app and update the microscope with new firmware as they’re being released.

Additionally, TREND has multiple height settings. This creates flexibility and allows you to achieve magnification all the way up to 330x.

And let’s not forget the length of the camera arm.

With a working depth of 385 mm (15.16’’), you have a lot of room to work with and can fit samples of all sizes.

You can even turn the camera arm away if you’re not using it to create more space on your working area.


  • Take photos with a press of a button
  • Improve collaboration by sharing images captured from the microscope or the microscope live feed in online meetings
  • Increase productivity with ergonomic setup
  • Access to advanced features and software add-ons
  • Can do low as well as high power magnification
  • No lag between movements underneath microscope and on the monitor thanks to 60 frames per second
  • Offers auto focus and manual focus
  • Multiple height settings
  • You can move camera arm away to free up space


  • Long arm requires a sturdy table to reduce vibrations at high magnifications

Download free brochure on TAGARNO TREND

Are you considering TREND as your next microscope with a camera?

With this free product brochure, you'll learn everything you need to know about this microscope, including a walk-through the features that make the TREND unique.

Download free brochure
Preview of "Is TREND the right microscope for me" brochure
Download free brochure

In summary

Using a microscope with a camera inside comes with a variety of advantages:


  • You can document your findings with a simple press of a button. These photos can be used as documentation if issues occur further down the value chain


  • You can also share photos via e-mail or the microscope feed in an online meeting to quickly discuss and solve issues


  • Using a monitor will not only reduce eyestrain, neck, back and shoulder pain. It will also increase your productivity and reduce errors caused by extremity fatigue


  • You’ll be able to work more efficiently by using software as part of your inspection processes


In short, you’ll be able to work more comfortably and efficiently with a microscope with a camera.

You’ll also have a clear advantage over your competitors if they haven’t made this switch yet.


Now that you’ve made it to the end of this blogpost, here’s a few other blogposts that you might find interesting.

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